~Come Home to your True Nature
and Connect Deeply with the You that is the One
you have been waiting for~

Avalon Mystic's Circle
Avalon Mystic's Circle
In 2018, the Avalon Mystic's Circle (AMC) was birthed into reality. AMC is a 13 moon/year-long exploration in honoring our intuitive sensing in the natural world with a spiritually intentional community. This circle is dedicated to deepening our connection with the wilderness and the natural cycles within and around our planet. We gather monthly to explore the mystical realms and magical ways of Nature together.
The AMC renews every July.
Is the circle calling you?

Native Flute Sound Healing
Gahana's connection with music and fluting began when she was 10 years old. She came into relationship with the Native American flutes many years ago when she began learning from indigenous teachers and opening her pathways to allow spirit and nature to play through her. Gahana was a hospice volunteer for years, and it was in that vulnerable setting that she learned to play from her compassionate heart and became a true sound healer. Gahana is honored to share her flute medicine at memorials, ceremonies, celebrations, and private bedside settings.
Gahana is part of the musical duo known as Heartistry.
Her partner, Beckie Forsyth, plays alchemy crystal bowls, and together they offer regular soundbath meditation experiences.
In 2017, they released a CD called
Inner Sanctum ~ A Soundbath Journey.
To learn more about them and hear their music, go to HeartistrySoundbath.com

Inner Vision Day Quests
Imagine a naturally expansive healing day designed just for you.
The magic of Avalon provides the setting for an inner journey home to your wild and beautiful soul.
Using Native fluting, guided visualization, shamanic journeying, and intuitive mentoring, Gahana partners with you in connecting with the natural flow of time as you gently return to your whole self.
This six-hour experience includes expansive contemplative
time amid rolling hills, big skies, creeks, and
the mystery of the magical forest.
Imagine a day just for you...
~Listen within, and if the quest is calling,
come home to Avalon~
"Once upon a time a baby girl with lifetimes of earth-based wisdom and magic making was
born into an ordinary 20th century family.
She was but one of many children who learned to hide these gifts, and who soon forgot their history and their destiny
…until now.
Now, a re-awakening is happening."
Having journeyed through a turbulent childhood and an early adulthood of emotional disconnection, Gahana heard the wisdom and whispers of Nature calling and guiding her on a grand journey back Home. She has now spent over 20 years reclaiming her mystical ways and co-creating with the land and energies of Avalon. This shared creation has brought forth sacred spaces and gentle portals for remembering, relaxing, and returning to one's creatively wise and wondrously unique self!



Carolyn "Gahana" Bonnington
is the owner and care tender of the
mystical 13 acres of Texas Hill Country beauty
near Wimberley, affectionately known as Avalon. She is a sound healer, an ancestral/natural wisdom teacher/mentor. She is also a deeply grounded nature lover who is honored to have worked in partnership with this land for over 25 years.
Thanks for your interest in Avalon! This site has been intentionally created as a simple overview without going into specific details, to honor the sanctity and privacy of Avalon and it's community.
Please contact us by email to learn more about the various Avalon offerings.

Avalon is 6 miles Southwest of the Wimberley Square near the Blanco River.